Vehicle Magnets Can Be Fun!

Of course I try to be impartial but I really like vehicle magnets.  This is a set that we supplied to the City of Spray, Oregon and I think they turned out just fabulous!

A really nice lady, by the name of Andrea, worked up the picture and the font for the graphic design and the artwork was complete.  This particular set is 14" x 14" with rounded corners and they look sharp.

To quote the customer... "It was such a pleasure to work with you, and I LOVE the City of Spray Truck Magnets!!! They look awesome! Thanks so much!"  ~Andrea

Magnetics are very versital and we see them in many shapes on vehicles everyday.  One that sticks out in my mind is the yellow ribbon to support our troops here and overseas or the pink ribbon for Breast Cancer Awareness. 

If you are interested in magnets, big or small, give us a call and let us put your message on a magnet!

The Standard Ceramic Mug

Have you promoted your business today?

The standard mug:  This is an example we love to utilize when promoting our business.  You can fill the mug with candies, instant coffee, cocoa, pens, coupons for your business, a business card, etc. - your imagination is the limit.  Or, you can just give them away as they are because your customers are sure to love something for free.

A mug can be printed on one side or both and they come in so many different colors... 

This is just an example of what we can print right here in Prineville, Oregon at our little shop.  If a mug is not for you, how about some water bottles, travel mugs or plastic cups that change color when you add liquid? 

Here at Triple E Promotions we can print anything on just about anything so give us a call!